Three ways to enable your sales team (Part 2 of 3)

Part 2 of 3: Transform your team into champions.

Creating content that your salespeople believe in makes it easier to present. When they feel like their needs have been addressed by marketing, it builds trust, which builds loyalty to the brand, which builds enthusiasm.

Many salespeople are poorly educated on why they’re doing what they’re doing. They have reams of information on all the technical aspects of what they’re selling and how to sell it, but why is the true key difference between just salespeople and champions of your brand. The most successful brand champions have sales tools that make them passionate about their brand.

This comes with proper training on how to use the tools. Your salespeople need sales enablement tools that help with the quality of the customer they are bringing in, not just quantity. Especially in today’s competitive landscape, they need to work smarter, not harder.

Generate excitement through collaboration.

When sale enablement really works, it results in tools that excite your salesforce. Let’s say you replace a tired old flipbook with an interactive PDF or ePub. Before you even begin working on the new tool, you talk to your top reps about what’s missing from their current materials. You find out which objections they routinely face, then build responses directly into the interactive tool. You add features that bring the material to life – through videos, animations, even interactive games and quizzes.

Now, all the parts together tell the story of why the customer needs to purchase a product and believe in the brand. Cohesiveness makes it easy for the salesperson to sell it and for the customer to buy it.

So instead of groaning when you introduce the new tool to the sales team, they’re enthusiastic. They’re excited to get into the field and put your new piece to work. And when they use it, they’ll tell the same, consistent brand story to every single prospect and client. Which means the client has a consistent and elevated customer experience.