Moxie Social Media Tools

Need Social Media Ideas for Your Company? This Simple Tool Will Help 

Social media is personal. When your customer clicks to follow your page, they are letting you into their living room (and bedroom and sometimes bathroom, eek!) They trust you enough to have you in their personal space, so what will you deliver to them?  

Understanding your audience and why they visit or purchase from your business is the first step to delivering them meaningful content. The chart below is a tool that can help you translate audience insights into content that evokes certain mindsets or emotions. It ranges from touchy-feely content to brainy ideas that make you the go-to source for the latest technology. 

Before diving into the content ideas below, you will want to remember three important rules for successful social media:

  1. Focus on storytelling for a strong impact and make sure the story connects well to your brand. 
  1. Always share a clear (not blurry) and intriguing image to support your story. Don’t just snatch it from the internet. Make sure you have the right to use the image. 
  1. If this type of work is vexing, Moxie is standing by, ready to help! 

Review this simple chart for examples of how you might think about social media posts in different situations.

Example Company and Audience Audience Insight Content to Deliver Mindsets or Emotions to Invoke 
A coffee shop serving local residents. I love my favorite coffee shop because it is warm, cozy, and has great art on the walls. • Help your audience get to know your staff.
• Show artistic photographs of your space and coffee drinks.
• Use short videos to show the coffee shop mood in your stories—warm and cozy environment, behind-the-scenes coffee making, or playing your favorite albums. 
Fear of missing outI have not caught up on the local scene for a while!
Fond memoriesI remember that great chat with my bestie.
BelongingI want to be where the artists are. 
A software developer serving engineers. I love working with my favorite software development company because they have innovative solutions and use the programs I want to learn one day. • Write a “mini” case study and share in a post. Include an attention-catching photo.
• Share posts of team members working together to solve tricky problems.
• Write a “how do you solve it?” series, asking your audience to chime in with their solutions.
• Don’t forget to update the post with the solution you used. 
CuriosityI wonder what they are up to?
Fear of missing outThose guys are learning more than me!
CompetitionI have the right answer. 
A train car repair company recruiting employees. I’ve always been obsessed with trains, and tons of people in our community work at the train company. • Show off artsy images of train cars and landscapes—including polished ones and graffitied ones.
• Encourage team members to submit cool photos of cars they see.
• Become a hub of train information, including old ones, new ones, and everything in between.
• Share short videos of welders working on train cars. 
Flashback to childhoodI’ve always loved trains.
First to knowI want to share that cool technology with my friends.
CuriosityI wonder how far the sparks fly? 

Got questions about your great social media ideas? Contact Michele at  

Social Media Posts That Sparkle

Social Posts That Sparkle – View Examples of the Posts We Plan for Clients

Mi-T-M – Performance Under Pressure

Mi-T-M is a leading manufacturer of pressure washers, air compressors, and other equipment, and they asked Moxie to bring their LinkedIn to life with a specific business-to-business focus. A 50-year-old business, we knew there was value in highlighting their expert, friendly team members. We created a short survey for their team, so we could collect quotes that speak to their experience and character. The result? A shoutout that everyone can get behind.

Turf and Landscape – Elevating Unique Outdoor Living

Turf and Landscape transforms backyards into a source of happiness and pride, and we were so impressed with their beautiful designs. We wanted as much intention to go into their posts and video designs as they dedicate to their patio designs. In this post, we made social media video shorts using existing footage of their work. Because sometimes a photo just isn’t enough.

Moxie – Your Marketing Ally

Our own Moxie brand was created with bold and defining values that speak to our team members and the work we have the pleasure of creating with our clients. We wanted to show our day-to-day experience, so we made sure to send our professional photographers along during this MLK Day of Service to capture action photos and show everyone on the team in their best light. The “extra credit” is awarded when employees love their image, the intent, and feel proud of the work accomplished together.

Moxie is here for you, too.

Are you looking for fresh social media ideas? Contact Michele Jensen at  

Love your marketing message

How To Fall in Love with Your Marketing –Start with the Right Message

On our best day at Moxie, we help clients fall in love with their marketing. Sounds a little too good to be true, I imagine. But it’s not. Whether it’s loving the look of your graphics, feeling a sense of pride, or having the opportunity to demonstrate the real value you bring to customers, it all starts with building the right messaging foundation.

What is a Great Message?

Clients often come to us with a specific need. They want a website or a brand video to help tell their story. But if a solid messaging foundation has not been created, the message will not be as impactful as it could be. Here are a few things a great message can do:

  1. A great message expresses features and benefits as a beginning, but also captures the unique details of how customers experience your relationship while working together.
  2. A great message speaks at the customer’s level, hitting the right notes in a compelling, emotional way. (We often find that it’s hard for businesses to speak to their customers well when they are naturally so attached to the product or service.)
  3. A great message is consistent in language and is repeated frequently in your print and digital materials. This makes it memorable.

How We Help You Build a Great Message

With a combination of 70 years of writing experience about diverse, complex topics, Moxie’s team interviews your leadership, sales team, and customers to listen closely to the customer experiences that have made your team a success. 

The team then synthesizes the information to discover the magic your business offers. What results is the language describing the version of your company and products you have always loved, but with a twist. It’s a twist that speaks directly to your prospects’ challenges and how you solve them. 

Don’t Skip the Messaging Stage 

When you are knees-deep in selling and delivering a product, it’s easy to lose track of the magic you offer clients. That’s where Moxie can help. We listen intently to your stories, from your perspective and the customer one. We pull these together and add the twist – a detail you never recognized that was always right under your nose. Then our designers and video producers use this messaging to develop the look of your materials, too. 

And that’s when you fall in love with your marketing. 

If you want to talk more about your message strategy, contact Michele at